Eastern Beach
It was a hot summers day, it felt like I was burning into ashes. On Monday March 4th at 9:15 am we went to a beach named Eastern Beach . After that we saw 3 buses on there way to take us all the way to Eastern Beach. Soon we all got in the bus and then off we went I felt so excited . Finally we arrived at Eastern Beach I just couldn't wait get off that bus and we saw area for our class to sit at and thats where we all went.
After we sat down Mr Johnston announced to us that we have to be safe when you're playing sports or when your going for a swim. Finally my friends and I went off to play volleyball and we won our game. Luckily some people were done swimming and then it was our turn so my friends and I went in and dived and splashed around.
After that we all came out of the water and had lunch, then some people went back in the water for a little bit.
Finally all my friends got changed and the whole school got in the bus and came back to school
and then the bell rang and then we all went home
and it was a really fun day.