
Monday 25 May 2015

Retel of Camp

A Leap of Faith

I put my feet on the ladder, step by step becoming even more  nervous. All my trust is within the rope. I pass the ladder and climb, one foot after another, onto the metal rungs. I feel my heart racing, as if I was being chased by a cheetah. I climb and climb, until I reached the beam. I hear my friends screaming and yelling “You can do it Samantha!”.  I took a Leap of Faith. I wobble and shake as I put my feet onto the beam. Thank Goodness that was over, but I had the whole beam to walk along. I walk step by step across the beam.  I reach a quarter of the way, I realise I still have another 3 quarters to walk along, so I inhaled a deep breath. As I walk along, I see the beautiful view of Hunua Ranges staring right at me. I feel even more pressured as I look down at my friends, encouraging me to keep going. I stop for a second and wait, then I carry on. I could feel my heart pounding as I realise I was nearly at the end of the beam. I took one last step and finally, I had made it but I still had to walk back, so I stood next to the pole for 10 seconds with fear. I start to walk along the beam again. I could feel my life on the line, but I knew that I had trustworthy people to look after me so I knew I was in safe hands. I look down for the last time and I saw that no one was paying attention, but the people who were taking control of the rope. Finally, I was being lowered. While being lowered, I get a photo taken of me as if I was an Angel. I got unhooked from the harness. I felt relieved that it was over, but proud that I had the courage to climb the high beam and also overcome my fear of heights.
This is a 5 minute snapshot about one of the activities I did at camp. It retells one of my favourite events that happened at camp.

1 comment:

Robyn Anderson said...

Hi Samantha keep up the good work and you have done an excellent job on your school work and as a mum i'm proud of you.

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